Sunday 8 December 2013

Blow off from the deepest of my heart

My whole life ruined b cuz of u....
i gt no opportunity to see the world,
no chance to get into an university as wat others do,
scare to become juz like u one day...

Should i nt blame on u?
Aren't tis happened b cuz of u?

Should i just forgive u?
Did u put any effort to fix everything up?

I ask myself these question every single day! Its torturing me...
Some advised me to be strong n try to give a hand in it n solve the problem.
Bullshit! Y am i the one? I'm just a kid....What strength do i have?

Rely on God! i told myself...
Did i? I really don noe...

Selfishly i juz wanna put myself in a haven..letting others to settle themselves.
Just like every movie do,during a war,kids will always be the first one to be hidden in the safest place. Can't i?I noe...i can't. I'm nt just a kid...